leah desmousseaux
Leah Desmousseaux was born in 1995 in Cahors (Lot, Occitanie). She graduated from the Nantes School of Fine Arts (DNSEP 2019 with Congratulations from the jury).
Through a dreamlike and mysterious photographic work, at the edge of the landscape, the skin and the body, the artist explores the materiality of the image through the experimentation of ancient and artisanal techniques. These prints, most of the time produced in his own laboratory, constitute almost unique works.
In 2021, his series of Khamseen deserts, mixing digital and analog imagery, was recognized in the final of the Florence and Damien Bachelot Collection Print Prize (CIPGP). Three copies of this series were then acquired by Les Abattoirs, Musée — FRAC Occitanie Toulouse.
In 2022, Leah Desmousseaux returns to her native country and settles in Escamps. The artist then carried out several regional residencies in the Lot and Ariège during which she became interested in the experience of caves. She then produced, based on the 3D modeling of the Pech Merle cave, a photogravure with art master Fanny Boucher (Atelier Hélio’g) for the National Center for Plastic Arts (CNAP) and the Association for the Development and research on art libraries (Adra) as part of the national order for prints “Times are changing…”. These multiples join the collections of the entire network of Adra member art libraries.
La première image / Un còp èra, Galerie Robet Dantec, Nantes
Sol, Le Lait Art Center & Arthur Batut photograph place, Labruguière
Tadmer, L’atelier Argentique, as part of Waves festival, Nantes
L’Horizon des événements, Collège Claude Debussy, with Exposer InSitu, Angers
Sillages photographiques, Robet Dantec Gallery, Belfort
Espace Mira, in collaboration with Gaël Darras, Nantes
Locus in aliore loco, with Gaël Darras, CAPRA (archeologic center), Allonnes
Concordance des Temps, Robet Dantec Gallery, Belfort
Danse avec la Terre, L’évènement photographique #2, NOP Grand-Est new photograph observatory, Nancy
Traversées, The Bus – mobile cultural space, Ariège
Paint discovery century, Prehistoric center of Pech Merle, Cabrerets
Nouvelles Acquisitions, artothèque RU – Le Repaire Urbain, Angers
La photographie à tous prix, A year of photograph prices at BnF, François-Mittérand library, Paris
Pop-Up Galeries, Fondation Fernet-Branca, Saint-Louis
Handle with care, Robet Dantec Gallery & The Spaceless Gallery, Hôtel d’Aguesseau, Paris
Art Fair Dijon, Robet Dantec Gallery, parc des expositions, Dijon
Berger en Arles, Les Rencontres de la photographie off, Arles
Art Fair Dijon, with Robet Dantec Gallery, Dijon
Paper Positions Basel, avec la Galerie Robet Dantec, Bâle (CH)
Les Solitudes, at Temple du Goût, as part of Wave festival, Nantes
Exhibition of finalists of Prix Jeune création of Saint-Rémy (Aveyron), Moulin des Arts de Saint-Rémy.
Cueillir des étoiles, École des Beaux Arts of Nantes, Nantes
À bas bruit, L’image Satellite, contemporary photograph festival, le 109, Nice
Émergences #2 – des mondes perdus, Robet Dantec Gallery, Belfort
Art Paris Live, Françoise Livinec Gallery, stand E11, www.artparis.com, Paris
Les Photographiques festival, exhibition center Paul Courboulay, Le Mans
1280°, Espace Mira, Nantes
Felicità 19, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Paris
Go west, École des Beaux-Arts de Nantes, Nantes
Au bord du gouffre, École des Filles – Galerie Françoise Livinec, Huelgoat
Prix Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne pour l’Art contemporain, Bastille Design Center, Paris
Finalist of Commande d’estampes Les temps changent…, CNAP & ADRA
Résidence, Ithaque, Chambre noire, Paris (1 semaine)
Résidence, Artiste associée, Le Bus – mobile cultural space, Association Autres Directions, Larbont (1 an)
Résidence, Château de Seix – Patrimoine et création en Couserans (3 semaines)
Nominated at Résidence de création photographique, CIP (Collège International de Photographie) & La Capsule
Exceptional support fund for plastic artists, Nantes Métropole
Creation in progress, Les Ateliers de Médicis, Paris/ Lot (6mois)
Lauréate Bourse & Programme Traversées lead by the CIPAC, la FRAAP and the Réseau Diagonal
Jury Price at Prix Jeune création of Saint-Rémy (Aveyron)
Individual help for creation, DRAC Pays de la Loire
Nominated price Caisse d’Épargne Côte d’Azur
Finalist Price of Tirage Collection Bachelot, CIPGP
Residence, Moulin des Arts, Saint-Rémy, (1 mois)
Residence, Le Bel Ordinaire, contemporary art space Pau Béarn Pyrénées, Billière (1 mois)
Residence de création, Fab’Lab de la Médiathèque du Pays d’Héricourt (70) (2 mois)
Residence by invitation of Collectif Blast, Pépinière artistique Daviers, Angers (1 mois)
Project help in visual arts, Région Pays de la Loire
– 2nd price Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne for Art contemporain, Paris
– 1st price ArtStudentsWeek, Paris
National Center of Plastic Arts (CNAP)
National library of France (BnF)
Les Abattoirs Musée — FRAC Occitanie Toulouse
Stiftung Bartels Fondation, Bâle
Artothèques of Angers
département arthoteque of Tarn
Artotheque of l’École des Beaux-Arts of Nantes
Artotheque of Bel Ordinaire — contemporary art space, Pau Béarn Pyrénées
Artotheque of the library of Pays d’Héricourt
Photographic space collection Arthur Batut, Labruguière
Collection of Festival de l’image, Le Mans